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Human-Robot interaction for telemanipulation in large workspaces

  • Autores: Francisco Alejandro Suárez Ruiz
  • Directores de la Tesis: Manuel Ferre Pérez (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ( España ) en 2014
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Rafael Aracil Santonja (presid.), Roque Saltarén (secret.), Ignacio Galiana Bujanda (voc.), Pedro José Sanz Valero (voc.), José María Sabater Navarro (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • This thesis presents methods for robot teleoperation strategies at dierent levels of abstraction ranging from supervisory control, where the operator gives highlevel task actions, to bilateral teleoperation, where the commands take the form of lowlevel control inputs. These strategies contribute to improve the current humanrobot interfaces specially in the case of slave robots deployed at large workspaces. First, an approach to perform supervisory teleoperation of humanoid robots is presented. The goal is to control ground robots capable of executing complex tasks in disaster relief environments under constrained communication links. This proposal incorporates autonomous behaviors that the operator can use to perform navigation and manipulation tasks which allow covering large human engineered areas of the remote environment. The experimental results demonstrate the eciency of the proposed methods. Second, the use of costeective devices for guided telemanipulation is investigated. A case study involving a bimanual humanoid robot and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Motion Capture (MoCap) suit is introduced. Herein, it is corroborated how the adaptation capabilities oered by the human-in-the-loop factor can compensate for the lack of highprecision robotic systems. This work is the result of collaboration between researchers from the Harvard Biorobotics Laboratory and the Centre for Automation and Robotics UPMCSIC. Thirdly, a new haptic rateposition controller is presented. This hybrid bilateral controller copes with the problems related to the teleoperation of a slave robot with large workspace using a small haptic device as master. Large workspaces can be covered by automatically switching between rate and position control modes. This haptic controller is ideal to couple kinematic dissimilar masterslave systems where the commands are transmitted in the task space of the remote environment. The method is validated to perform dexterous telemanipulation of objects with a robotic manipulator. Finally, two contributions for robotic manipulation are introduced. First, a new algorithm, the Iterative Kinematic Decoupling method, is presented. It is a numeric method developed to solve the Inverse Kinematics (IK) problem of a type of sixDoF robotic arms where a closeform solution is not available. The eectiveness of this IK method is compared against conventional numerical methods. Second, a robust grasp mapping has been conceived. It allows to control a wide range of dierent robotic hands using a gesture based correspondence between the human hand space and the robotic hand space. The human hand gesture is identied by reading the relative movements of the index, thumb and middle ngers of the user during the early stages of grasping.

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