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Resumen de Interconectando aprendizajes científicos y matemático-estadísticos en el profesorado en formación inicial a través del estudio de la huella de carbono

Fátima Aguilera Padilla, Khader Abu Helaiel Jadallah

  • This study has as its main objective to connect learning of scientific and mathematical-statisticalcontents through the calculation and analysis of the annual carbon footprint based on energy consumption inthe home and to raise awareness among students about the need to incorporate sustainable habits in daily life.The analysis of the data has made it possible to detect the main learning difficulties and calculation errors ofteachers in initial training who are in the 4th year of the Degree in Primary Education, mainly regarding thecalculation of the carbon footprint based on energy consumption in the household/year and the emissions oftons of CO2e. Frequencies and percentages of responses are presented according to type of error. On the otherhand, the frequencies and percentages of responses with difficulties in providing completely correct measuresof central tendency, dispersion, asymmetry and order statistics on a histogram of greenhouse gas emissionsin the form of tons of CO2e per household/year for interpretation. Despite the difficulties in carrying out thecorrect calculations and graphic interpretation, the study group was able to make a critical analysis of energyconsumption and propose measures to make a more responsible and sustainable use of this resource.

Fundación Dialnet

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