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Resumen de Introdução

Jorge Pinto, Lili Cavalheiro, María del Carmen Fondo, Ana María Cea Alvarez

  • English

    This thematic volume brings together current studies that explore various issues related to the acquisition, learning, and teaching of foreign languages in various contexts, highlighting the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize them. Regardless of the different target languages on which the studies are carried out, from our understanding, in many situations their results can be applied transversally to the teaching and learning of other foreign languages. As the fields of acquisition as well as of teaching and learning are interconnected, our aim in this volume was to assemble papers that did not focus exclusively on theories of acquisition, but that also addressed issues of applied linguistics to the teaching and learning of foreign languages.

  • português

    Este dossiê temático reúne estudos atuais que exploram diversas questões relacionadas com a aquisição, aprendizagem e ensino de línguas estrangeiras em diferentes contextos, salientando a heterogeneidade e a complexidade que as caracterizam. Entendemos que independentemente das diferentes línguas-alvo sobre as quais os estudos são realizados, em muitas situações, os resultados destes podem ser aplicados de forma transversal ao ensino e aprendizagem de outras línguas estrangeiras.  

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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