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Resumen de How university teacher training planscan help implement and develop the scholarshipof teaching and learning

Maria Serena Rivetta, María José Rodríguez Conde, Susana Olmos Migueláñez

  • The objective of this communication is a preliminary study on the current status of the trainingplans for university lecturers in Spain regarding the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Theaim of the present work is a reflection on how to implement and improve the Scholarship of Teachingand Learning Process in university teacher training plans.The focus of this work is to make those responsible for the current university lecturer trainingplans aware of how they can improve the training so that they are closer to the research approaches inthe academic field on the teaching-learning process.Improving the process of learning and teaching in higher education means contributing to theincrease in the knowledge of relevant and significant learning aspects. Currently, this represents animportant challenge in the reform process in which the universities belonging to the European HigherEducation Area (EHEA) are involved.Implementing, updating, improving or developing university teacher training plans is a challengefor Spanish and other European universities alike, with a view to respond to the requests of theEuropean Higher Education Area (EHEA) and to jump-start European convergence in the field ofeducation.

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