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Familia aniztasunaren trataera Haur Hezkuntzako ikasgeletan: irakasleen aurreiritziak eta eskoletako materiala

  • Autores: Alize Olazar Intxausti, Nahia Idoiaga Mondragón
  • Localización: Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica, ISSN-e 1988-5911, Nº. 28, 2022
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Treatment of family diversity in early childhood education classrooms: teacher attitudes and school materials
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Lan honen xedea EAE-ko Haur Hezkuntzako geletan familia aniztasunari ematen zaion trataera ikertzea da. Horretarako, 178 Haur Hezkuntzako irakasle eta Gradu ikasleri galdetegi bat pasa zaie. Emaitzek adierazi dute familia aniztasuna irakaskuntza planaren barnean kokatu arren, eta eskoletako familia errealitatea ezagutu arren, geletan familia eredu anitzak lantzeko material eta erreferente gutxi daudela. Gainera, irakasleek familia aniztasunari buruzko ideia nahiko aurrerakoiak adierazi dituzte, nahiz eta jarduneko irakasle eta Gradu ikasleen artean hainbat ezberdintasun egon. Azkenik, irakasleek familia aniztasuna lantzeari garrantzia nabarmena eman arren, gaiari buruz ez dutela formakuntza nahikoa jaso ere adierazi dute. Beraz, egoera honek eskolak familien trataera inklusiboa egite aldera sor ditzakeen erronkak aztertuko dira Haur Hezkuntzako geletako jardunean txertatzeko proposamenak eginaz.

    • English

      The main goal of this work is to investigate the treatment given to family diversity in Early Childhood Education classrooms in the Basque Autonomous Community. For this purpose, a questionnaire was sent to 178 teachers and students of Early Childhood Education Degree. The results indicate that in spite of framing family diversity within the teaching plan, and knowing the family reality of the schools, there are few materials and references to work on multiple family models in the classrooms. In addition, teachers have expressed quite progressive ideas about family diversity, although there are several differences between active teachers and undergraduate students. Finally, the teachers point out that despite the importance of working on family diversity, they have not received enough training in the subject, so the challenges that this situation can generate will be analyzed so that the school can make an inclusive treatment of families, proposing its integration in the activity of the Early Childhood Education classrooms.

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