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Algoritmo eraginkorren garrantzia problemak modelatzerakoan

  • Autores: Elisabete Alberdi Celaya, Judit Muñoz Matute
  • Localización: Teknologia berriak eta gaur egungo Hezkuntza joerak / Urtza Garay Ruiz (ed. lit.), Eneko Tejada Garitano (ed. lit.), Carlos Manuel Castaño Garrido (ed. lit.), 2018, ISBN 978-84-9082-650-8, págs. 40-53
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Lan hau Bilboko Ingeniaritza Eskolan Ingeniaritza Zibileko graduko laugarren mailan irakasten den Eredugintza, Simulazio eta Optimizazio Matematikoa ikasgaian kokatzen da. Ikasgai honetan ikasleek besteak beste problema baten eredu matematikoa sortzen eta konputazio teknikak erabilita ebazten ikasten dute. Ikasgaiaren bukaeran ikasleek ikasgaian zehar ikasitako edukiak eta estrategiak erabiliko dituzten proiektu bat garatu behar izaten dute. Lan honetan n-erreginaren problema aurkezten da eta haren ebazpenaren garapena egiten da. Problema honen ebazpena ikasgai bukaerako proiektuaren adibide izan daiteke. Problema definitu da eta algoritmo ezberdinak erabilita ebatzi da, algoritmoen eraginkortasunak neurtuz. Mota honetako lanak garatu behar dituzten ikasleentzat eredutzat aurkezten da lan hau

    • English

      This work places in the subject of Modeling taught in the fourth course of the degree in Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering of Bilbao (UPV/EHU). In this subject students learn how to model a problem mathematically and how to solve it using mathematical software. At the end of this subject students are required to develop a project in which they have to use different strategies and skills learnt during the subject. In this work, the n-queens problem is tackled, which can be developed as a project, as it can be modeled mathematically and solved computationally using different strategies studied in the subject. We define the problem, we solve it using different algorithms and we present a comparison of the algorithms. Students having to develop these type of projects could use this work as an example of what is expected from them as a final project.

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