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Resumen de Un lenguaje gráfico para el modelado de unidades didácticas en ingeniería

Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, Martín Llamas Nistal, Luis E. Anido Rifón

  • This paper introduces a graphical language to support the creation of computational models of educational units: PoEML (Perspective-oriented EML). In general, EMLs (Educational Modelling Languages) are devoted to support the modelling of educational units. PoEML approaches the modelling of educational units following the separation-of-concerns principle. The main idea underlying PoEML is to break down the modelling of educational units into separate parts that can be specified step by step. In correspondence, the model of each part can be represented by a different graphical diagram, involving specific elements and relations. This separation-of-concerns approach simplifies the development of models while a high expressiveness is offered. Particularly, it supports the development of engineering educational units. In addition, it also enables to improve the reusability, adaptability and flexibility of the created models.

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