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Baso-eskola proiektu pilotuko haurren ebaluazio hezigarria burutzeko adierazleen definizioa

  • Autores: Josu Sanz Alonso, Maialen Sistiaga Poveda, Pello Urkidi Elorrieta, Irati Andoño Erdozain, Kakun Orbegozo Rezola
  • Localización: Tantak: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko hezkuntza aldizkaria, ISSN 0214-9753, Vol. 30, Nº. 2, 2018, págs. 63-78
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Definition of an educative assesment model for children in a forest school pilot project
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      2017ko urritik Haur Hezkuntzako hiru ikasketa zentroek (Hernaniko Langile Ikastolak, Donostiako Amara Berri eskolak eta Alkizako eskola txikiak) Kutxa Ekoguneko baso-eskola proiektua pilotatzen dute. Etorkizunean baso-eskola proiektua beste ikasketa zentroetara zabaldu nahi dela-eta, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak (UPV/EHU) proiektu honetako arlo desberdinak sistematizatu eta ebaluatzea du helburu. Besteak beste, haurren garapen kognitibo zein afektiboa, ingurune naturalaren egokitasuna eta proiektuan parte hartuko duten tutoreen jarraipena. Honen bidez, arlo hauen inguruko ezagutza zientifikoa eta proiektu pilotuaren zilegitasuna lortzea espero da baina ez hori bakarrik, baita unibertsitate mailako ikasketak aberasteko aukera ere, gure ikaslegoaren parte hartze potentzialaren bidez.

    • English

      Three early childhood schools (Langile Ikastola from Hernani, Amara Berri from Donostia and the school from Alkiza) will develop their 2017-2018 school year as a pilot project in basoeskola from Ekogunea (Fundación Kutxa). The main objective of this work is to present is to present the evaluation model developed for measuring the potential benefits of the participant children in their continous contact with nature. Among the developed or adapted indicators, it can be mentioned the measurement of the cognitive and affective development of the participant children, the suitability of the environment as an educative facility, free play or their environmental attitudes. As a result nine indicators have been developed, which will be validated in this year’s experience, but are easily applicable by other educative centers. Also, this proposal aims to generate scientific knowledge of the benefits of children’s nature education, an area with scarce development.

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