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Resumen de Autoconceito em estudantes universitários de Moçambique: Estudo das relações e diferenças em função de variáveis pessoais e contextuais dos alunos

Farissai P. Campira, Alexandra M. Araújo, Leandro S. Almeida

  • English

    Self-concept is a variable that accompanies individuals' individuality and life contexts. Higher education, due to its complexity, is a context that influences students' self-perception, with differences to be taken into account when studying students' life paths and how they influence their identity. This article analyzes the relationships and differences in self-concept as a unction of personal and context variables of university students in Mozambique. A total of 250 students from the Pedagogical University of Beira aged 16-55 years (M= 29.08, SD= 7.75) participated in this study, of which 103 (41.2%) were male. Of these 102 (40.8%) are aged up to 23 years. The Self-Concept Questionnaire for University Students of Mozambique was administered. The results show differences according to gender only in the dimensions of religious self-concept, academic self-concept andsocial self-concept, the latter two dimensions favoring males. Taking into account the variable age, there are statistically significant differences in favor of students over the age of 23 in the dimensions of academic self-concept and social self-concept. Finally, there is an association of self-concept with some variables, namely the year of the course and the parents’ academic background, suggesting some diversity in the students who attend Higher Education, which should be observed by the institutions.

  • português

    Neste artigo analisam-se as relações e diferenças no autoconceito em função de variáveis pessoais e de contexto dos alunos universitários de Moçambique. Participaram neste estudo 250 alunos da Universidade Pedagógica na Beira com idades entre 16 a 55 anos (M= 29.08; DP= 7.75), sendo 103 (41.2%) do sexo masculino. Destes 102(40.8%) tem até 23 anos de idade. Foi administrado o Questionário de Autoconceito para Estudantes Universitários de Moçambique. Os resultados mostram diferenças em função do género  e da idade dos alunos apenas nalgumas  dimensões:  autoconceito religioso, autoconceito académico e  autoconceito social. 

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