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Análisis de las competencias digitales en el Máster de Turis...

Total de citas: 10

Artículo citado
Working women and digital competence in the spanish labor context (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 61-69
Digital teaching competence evaluation of pre-service teachers in Spain : A review study (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 70-76
Developing teachers’ digital competence : Results from a pilot in Portugal (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 84-92
Risks associated with posting content on the social media (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 77-83
Use of a simulated social network as an educational tool to enhance teacher digital competence (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 107-114
Application of the challenge-based learning methodology applied to students of two subjects of the Second Academic Cycle of Engineering in Geology (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 29-35
Relation between programming visual learning with VILEP and students’ emotions (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 36-44
Analysis of good teaching practices with mobile devices at the university : Design and validation of the APMU scale (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 2-10
Improving student engagement with project-based learning : A case study in software engineering (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 21-28
Implementation of a pilot plant for the integral development of remote laboratories (2021) Vol. 16 Núm. 1 Pág. 11-20