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IDR 2019

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

Artículos publicados en 2016

Total de citas: 74 (18 nacionales y 56 internacionales)

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
From massive access to cooperation: lessons learned and proven results of a hybrid xMOOC/cMOOC pedagogical approach to MOOCs (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 14 13
The flipped classroom : for active, effective and increased learning (especially for low achievers) (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 9 7
Tertiary student attitudes to invigilated, online summative examinations (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 23 5
The flipped classroom model at the university : analysis based on professors’ and students’ assessment in the educational field (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 17 5
Game-based learning and gamification in initial teacher training in the social sciences : an experiment with MinecraftEdu (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 37 5
Delphi study for the design and validation of a questionnaire about digital competences in higher education (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 26 5
On-campus or online : examining self-regulation and cognitive transfer skills in different learning settings (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 3 4
Students’ acceptance and readiness for E-learning in Northeastern Thailand (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 4 3
Written peer-feedback to enhance students’ current and future learning (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 21 3
Development and evaluation of the team work skill in university contexts. Are virtual environments effective? (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 36 3
The influence of the internet for pedagogical innovation : using twitter to promote online collaborative learning (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 16 2
Integration of learning technologies into teaching within Fijian Polytechnic Institutions (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 2 2
The impact of usable system for regression analysis in higher education (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 24 2
Students as co-creators of technology-rich learning activities in higher education (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 6 2
Learning strategies and styles as a basis for building personal learning environments (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 33 2
Using comparative judgement and online technologies in the assessment and measurement of creative performance and capability (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 20 1
Academic and research networks management : challenges for higher education institutions in Mexico (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 31 1
Pedagogic dilemmas to flows of knowledge in the age of digital technology (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 13 1
New era and challenges for a consolidated journal in educational technology in higher education (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 38 1
The use of wiki to promote students’ learning in higher education (Degree in Pharmacy) (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 15 1
Generic competences acquisition through classroom activities in first-year agricultural engineering students (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 7 1
Educational innovation and digital competencies : the case of OER in a private Venezuelan university (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 28 1
Virtual empathy as digital competence in education 3.0 (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 12 1
Analizying MOOCs from an educational perspective in Spain (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 25 1
Do calculus students demand technology integration into learning environment? case of instructional differences (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 1 1
Blended learning supported by digital technology and competency-based medical education : a case study of the social medicine course at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia (2016) Núm. 13 Pág. 10 1