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Resumen de Evaluación del proceso de educación superior inclusiva hacia estudiantes con discapacidad: el caso de una universidad estatal y regional chilena

Georgina García Escala

  • español

    El presente trabajo es la tesis doctoral realizada en el marco curricular del Programa de Doctorado en Planificación e Innovación Educativa, impartido por el Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, de la Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid-España, sede Santiago de Chile.

    Esta tesis tiene como propósito fundamental analizar el proceso de educación superior inclusiva para estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad. Además, caracterizar conceptos vinculados a la inclusión educacional de este grupo de personas, evaluar la actitud de la comunidad universitaria hacia la discapacidad, analizar la percepción que poseen los estudiantes con discapacidad frente a los apoyos curriculares entregados y evaluar la accesibilidad a la infraestructura e información institucional para realizar mejoras en esta modalidad de enseñanza.

    El estudio se realiza en la Universidad de La Serena, universidad estatal y regional, localizada en la Región de Coquimbo, Chile; en el marco de un proyecto de investigación. El Proyecto es financiado con recursos internos (Proyecto DIULS Nº PR13221) y la investigadora responsable, es la autora de esta tesis.

    La educación superior inclusiva para jóvenes con discapacidad es un fenómeno reciente a nivel mundial. Los estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad, señalan que el sistema educacional todavía ofrece más barreras que ayudas y que los profesores requieren más información y orientación para realizar trabajo colaborativo, a fin de que las instituciones de educación superior sean más respetuosas de la diversidad. Por ello, analizar los procesos de educación inclusiva en este nivel de enseñanza permitirá asegurar que se respetan los derechos de las personas con discapacidad y que las instituciones de educación se transformen para considerar y valorar la diversidad en sus propuestas educacionales.

    La Universidad de La Serena crea durante el año 2007, el Programa de Apoyo a la Discapacidad. Este Programa tiene como propósito fundamental entregar apoyo integral a los estudiantes con discapacidad, otorgar asesoría a los profesores que los atienden y promover una cultura más respetuosa de la diversidad en la región. El Programa desarrolla sus actividades con fondos concursables anuales, del Servicio Nacional de la Discapacidad (SENADIS).

    El Programa de Apoyo cuenta con una trayectoria de diez años. Por ello, la relevancia de este estudio es que permite analizar la política, cultura y práctica de la institución, a fin de garantizar calidad y equidad educacional para los estudiantes con discapacidad. La información producto de la investigación se entregará a las autoridades de la Universidad, para que sea utilizada en la implementación de mejoras en los programas de formación profesional y en la optimización de los procesos de gestión organizacional.

    El estudio requirió diversos instrumentos que pueden ser utilizados de manera aislada o en conjunto, según los requerimientos de cada institución educacional. Asimismo, la propuesta para analizar el proceso de educación inclusiva puede ser utilizado por cualquier institución que requiera examinar sus procesos de manera sistemática, a fin realizar mejoras en sus procesos educacionales inclusivos.

  • English

    The present work is the doctoral thesis achieved in the curricular framework of the Programa de Doctorado en Planificación e Innovación Educativa, provided by the Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, España, Santiago de Chile office.

    This thesis aims to analyze the process of inclusive higher education for university students with disabilities. In addition, it intends to characterize concepts related to the educational inclusion of this group of people, to evaluate the attitude of the university community towards disability, to analyze the perception that students with disabilities have of the curricular support and to evaluate the accessibility of the infrastructure and institutional information, in order to make improvements to this type of teaching.

    The study is undertaken at the Universidad de La Serena (ULS), a regional state university in the Región de Coquimbo, Chile, in the framework of a research project. The project is financed with internal resources (Project DIULS Nr. PR13221) and the responsible researcher is the author of this thesis.

    Inclusive higher education for young people with disabilities is a recent worldwide phenomenon. University students with disabilities point out that the educational system still offers more barriers than aid and that teachers require more information and guidance to do collaborative work, so that higher education institutions will have more respect for diversity. Therefore, analyzing the processes of inclusive education at this level of education will ensure that the rights of people with disabilities are respected and that educational institutions transform themselves in order to consider diversity in their educational proposals.

    The Universidad de La Serena created the Programa de Apoyo a la Discapacidad in 2007. The main purpose of this program is to provide integral support to students with disabilities, to give advice to teachers who attend them and to promote a culture that is more respectful of diversity in the region. The Program develops its activities with annual contests of the Servicio Nacional de la Discapacidad (SENADIS).

    The Programa de Apoyo has a track record of nine years. Therefore, the relevance of this study is that it allows the analysis of the institution's policy, culture and practice, in order to guarantee quality and educational equity for students with disabilities. The information produced by the research will be given to the authorities of the university to be used in the implementation of improvements in professional training programs and in the optimization of organizational management processes.

    The study required various instruments that can be used in isolation or as a whole, according to the requirements of each educational institution. Likewise, the proposal to analyze the process of inclusive education can be used by any institution that needs to examine its processes in a systematic way, in order to make improvements to its inclusive educational processes.

    The methodology used in this research is a mixed approach because it uses different procedures to investigate a complex study phenomenon (Hernández Sampieri, Fernández and Baptista, 2003; Ruiz, 2008). It is a mixed-type correlational case study. The case study is an investigation about a particular phenomenon, in this specific case an institution of higher education. This type of study is singular, particular and descriptive and uses inductive thinking to analyze a set of data in order to understand the case better. Data collection in this type of study is critical (Stake, 1995).

    The study sample is made up of all students with disabilities who are beneficiaries of the Programa de Apoyo a la Discapacidad at the Universidad de La Serena, together with a representative sample of academics and students without disabilities, belonging to the different Faculties of this institution of higher education. I have also taken into account a representative sample of the administrative and service providing staff officials, who attend the students.

    The data in this study were compiled with instruments developed by the research team. Several instruments were conceived: institutional guidelines to evaluate general aspects of the inclusive education process for students with disabilities, questionnaires to assess the attitude of teachers, students and staff towards disability, interview guidelines for students with disabilities, an accessibility protocol and a protocol to assess the academics’ perception of the support.

    From the analysis of the data of this research, it can be concluded that the process of inclusive education at the Universidad de La Serena is adequate for students with disabilities. We can observe a positive attitude of the university community towards the admission, progression and graduation of students with this condition although the community itself indicates that it requires more information about what disability condition it is exactly dealing with and how to attend it best. The students with disabilities report that support and services are adequate although they point to the need for stable resources and better training of teachers. The physical accessibility is moderately adequate and accessibility to institutional information is not.

    The results of the research made it possible to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the process of inclusive education for students with disabilities at the Universidad de La Serena, results that will be made available to the authorities of the university so that they will be considered in the decision making process to improve quality. It is also recommended that the information be analyzed by a university commission to develop a plan to improve the processes of inclusive education for students with disabilities. This plan should be designed together with all the actors of the university community. Because of the characteristics of a university the different actors must be represented directly, i.e. a commission should be created, in which teachers, officials, authorities and students with and without disabilities are represented.

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