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Resumen de Fake news y fact-checking en la cobertura mediática durante la crisis del covid-19 en España: el caso de Newtral y Maldito Bulo

Erica Conde Vázquez, Julia Fontenla Pedreira, María Pereira López

  • This research work presents an analysis of the media coverage and the dissemination of fake news and hoaxes through the social network Twitter and the work of verification and denial by different fact-checking platforms, in this case, Newtral and "Maldito Bulo".

    The investigation will focus on hoaxes about the measures taken by the Government of Spain during the "State of Alarm", period caused by the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the investigation will be determined by the contribution of the media to the issemination of hoaxes, increasing sensationalism and ignoring the principle of public service information by which the media should be governed.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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