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Resumen de The transition between early childhood education and primary education: a literature review

Fabíola dos Santos Kucybala, Vera Lucia Felicetti, Adriana del Rosario Pineda Robayo

  • español

    El tránsito entre la Educación infantil y la básica primaria es un proceso que incide en la vida escolar del niño, siendo fundamental que el mismo se realice en el contexto de una real articulación curricular y de la inserción de situaciones y vivencias lúdicas que contribuyan en el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura. En esta revisión de literatura son analizados documentos actuales producidos y fundamentados en el escenario educativo, acerca de la transición entre las dos etapas a partir de artículos publicados en revistas clasificadas en qualis A1 en Brasil de acuerdo con CAPES en 2019. Luego de la lectura completa de los artículos y a partir de la aplicación de la técnica de análisis textual discursivo, emergieron tres categorías y cinco subcategorías. Los resultados evidencian que la mayor parte de los artículos abordan cuestiones relacionadas con el currículo, la enseñanza de la lectura y escritura y la situación de la infancia, resaltando la importancia de desarrollar un trabajo articulado y sistemático entre estas dos etapas. Igualmente, se encontró que son pocas las investigaciones que se ocupan del proceso de tránsito entre la educación infantil y la básica primaria a pesar de la trascendencia del tema.

  • English

    The transition between Early Childhood Education and Primary Education is a process that permeates the academic lives of children, so it is fundamental that it takes place in an interconnected way, with an integrated curriculum and the use of recreational situations and experiences that contribute towards literacy. This literature review analyzes the productions and foundations in the educational landscape and in the field of knowledge production regarding the transition between these two stages of Basic Education, by analyzing articles published in journals classified as Qualis A1 in Brazil, according to the assessment carried out by CAPES in 2019. The articles analyzed had themes aimed at the following a priori categories: Childhood Education; Teacher Knowledge and Practices; Curriculum and Teaching and Learning. After analyzing these articles, guided by Textual Discourse Analysis, three categories and five subcategories emerged. Among the results, we found that most of the articles addressed issues related to the curriculum, literacy and issues related to early childhood, reinforcing the importance of establishing an interconnected and systematic study between the two stages of Basic Education. However, research in the area of transition is insignificant, despite the evident importance of this topic.

  • português

    The transition between Early Childhood Education and Primary Education is a process that permeates the academic lives of children, so it is fundamental that it takes place in an interconnected way, with an integrated curriculum and the use of recreational situations and experiences that contribute towards literacy. This literature review analyzes the productions and foundations in the educational landscape and in the field of knowledge production regarding the transition between these two stages of Basic Education, by analyzing articles published in journals classified as Qualis A1 in Brazil, according to the assessment carried out by CAPES in 2019. The articles analyzed had themes aimed at the following a priori categories: Childhood Education; Teacher Knowledge and Practices; Curriculum and Teaching and Learning. After analyzing these articles, guided by Textual Discourse Analysis, three categories and five subcategories emerged. Among the results, we found that most of the articles addressed issues related to the curriculum, literacy and issues related to early childhood, reinforcing the importance of establishing an interconnected and systematic study between the two stages of Basic Education. However, research in the area of transition is insignificant, despite the evident importance of this topic.

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