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Resumen de Efecto del tiempo de estancia en cebadero y de la edad de sacrificio sobre la composición de la grasa de corderos de raza rasa aragonesa

M.M. Campo, Virginia Celia Resconi Briggiler, Agustín Conesa Martínez, E. Horcas, Carlos Sañudo Astiz

  • Lamb production has evolved towards a more intensive system where some animals are reared in classification centres (CC) with a homogeneous management prior to slaughtering, different of that received in the farms of origin. In this work, the effect of the length at a classification centre (1 vs 20 days) and the age at slaughter (67 vs 107 days) has been assessed on the fatty acid composition of two depots [(kidney knob (KK) and subcutaneous(SC)]. On KK, the effect of length at CC was more important than the age of slaughter. Older animals showed less percentage of n-3 fatty acids, but 20 days at CC greatly increased the percentage of oleic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids, probably due to the higher unsaturation of the concentrate at CC. Differences were less obvious in SC tissue due to age at slaughter, but staying 20 days at CC reduced 4 points the saturation and increased significantly the monounsaturation, although in a smaller scale than in KK depot.

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