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Resumen de Empleo de orujo de uva en la ración de corderos durante el periodo de crecimiento-cebo: Ingestión, rendimientos productivos y características de la canal

Cristina Guerra Rivas, B. Gallardo Perez, Audrey A.P. Lavin, Ángel Ruiz Mantecón, C. Vieira, María Teresa Manso Alonso

  • Forty-eight Merino lambs were used to study the effect of feeding grape pomace and others commonly used antioxidants on intake, animal performance and carcass characteristics. Lambs were assigned to four treatments: control (50 UI of vitamin E per kg), vitamin E (500 IU of vitamin E per kg), EGU (including 50 mg of grape seeds extract per kg) and grape pomace (5% of grape pomace of red wine per kg). Lambs were slaughtered at 27 kg live weight. There were no significant differences between experimental treatments on intake, average daily gain, carcass yield and carcass characteristics of lambs.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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