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El pòdcast a l’aula: l’alumnat com a creador de continguts sonors. Implementació del pòdcast com a model de docència inversa en l’Educació Superior

    1. [1] Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

      Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

      Valencia, España

  • Localización: Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento / coord. por José María Esteve Faubel, Aitana Fernández Sogorb, Rosabel Martínez Roig, Juan Francisco Álvarez Herrero, 2022, ISBN 978-84-19506-73-3, págs. 1263-1275
  • Idioma: catalán
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • The sum of two technologies such as content syndication, or Really Simple Syndication, and digitalaudio files, among which MP3 stands out, resulted in the podcast at the beginning of this century. It was in2004 when Ben Hammersley coined the concept of podcast to name the audio pills that use this technologicalhybridization and that was in the initial phase of what he predicted as the sound revolution. Throughout themore than fifteen years that podcasting has been with us, it has been observed that it is intricately linked toradio but that it can go beyond it and that it can turn anyone with a story to tell into a producer. At the GandiaCampus of the Universitat Politècnica de València, the Audiovisual Communication Degree has been applyingthe project-based learning (PBL) methodology for some years. In addition, in recent years the university hasbeen promoting the implementation of the reverse teaching methodology, flipped classroom. Therefore, in thepresent work, we will study how the use of the podcast as an educational tool can favor the teaching-learningprocess in those subjects with an eminently theoretical character. The methodology of this research is basedon a case study, such as the implementation of podcasts as an educational resource in the studies of the AudiovisualCommunication Degree, involving students in the creation process. In this way, students becomewhat Alvin Toffler defined as prosumer, the consumer transformed into producer thanks to technology. In fact,from subjects taught in the first semester of the first year, students receive the technical knowledge necessaryto produce podcasting and use the theoretical content of the subjects “Theory and Ecology of AudiovisualMedia” and “Interactive Communication”, in the second semester of the second and third years respectively,to put it into practice, with the help of the teachers responsible for the subjects throughout the creation process.The main objectives of this work are to present the different tasks carried out with the implementation of thepodcast in the classroom, to verify that there has been an improvement of the specific competences of the Degreein Audiovisual Communication through the realization of an audiovisual product. As well as to evaluatethe degree of improvement in the acquisition of content. In our research we have paid close attention to howSustainable Development Goal number 4, set by the UN, which calls for ensuring inclusive, equitable andquality education and promoting learning opportunities, has been worked on. In addition, this work is part oftwo Teaching Innovation and Improvement Projects funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València, whoseresults were presented at the I Conference on Educational Podcasting, Educast 21, held at the UPV GandiaCampus in October 2021.

Fundación Dialnet

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