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Resumen de Evolución del crecimiento, calidad de la canal y de piezas nobles en cerdos grasos alimentados con guisante (Pisum sativum) y alberjón (Vicia narbonensis) como fuente proteica

E. de Mercado, J. Gómez Fernández, Mercedes Múzquiz, Eva Guillamón Fernández, A. Varela, C. Tomás, P. López Nuez, Emilio Gómez Izquierdo

  • A total of one hundred ninety-two crossbred pigs PIC-L65 x (Large White x Landrace) with an initial BW of 30.78 ± 4.06 kg (73 ± 2 days of age) were used to assess the substitution of soybean meal by pea (Pisum sativum) or pea with 10% narbon vetchs (Vicia narbonensis) in fatty pigs diets. There were six experimental treatments (48 total replicas and four pigs per replicate. The individual was the replicate in carcass quality) with barrows and gilts, and three feedstuff (ad libitum, granulate; with the same energetic and proteine levels): 1) soybean meal 47; 2) pea; 3) pea with 10% narbon vetch. We evaluated the effect of antinutritional factors: protease inhibitors in pea and narbon vetch (trypsin –TIU- and chymotrypsin –CIU- inhibitors), and glutamyl-S-ethenyl-cysteine in narbon vetch. Growth, carcass yield and main lean cuts was similar in treatments A and B (P> 0.05), being worse in diet C (P <0.05). The slaughter weight of males was higher with lower carcass yield and main lean cuts than females (P <0.05). We conclude that diets with a 10% of narbon vetch ZV220, limit the growth of pigs, by contrast, pea variety cartouche containing <10 TIUCIU, replaces to soybean from the 30 kg without losses in BW yield, carcass and main lean cuts.

Fundación Dialnet

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