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Resumen de Efecto del tiempo de congelación sobre las pérdidas de agua y textura instrumental del solomillo y secreto del cerdo ibérico de bellota

D. García, M.M. Pérez, D. Tejerina, E. Martín Tornero, María Cabeza de Vaca, Adoración López Gajardo, A. Osorio, E. Prior Santana

  • ''Solomillo'' and the ''Secreto'' from Iberian pig Montanera are pieces in high demand by consumers due to its characteristics but these have the disadvantage, of temporality. Frozen storage allows safeguard this situation. The effect of freezing time (6, 12 and 16 months of freezing) on water loss and texture was evaluated. When the freezing time was greater, water losses increased and toughness decreased, though the freezing time differently affected each of the parts.

Fundación Dialnet

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