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Resumen de Efecto de la incorporación de aceite de linaza y vitamina e en la dieta de las ovejas churras sobre el contenido de ácidos grasos trans en la leche y en la carne de lechazo

B. Gallardo Perez, Cristina Guerra Rivas, Ángel Ruiz Mantecón, G. Manca, A. Nudda, María Teresa Manso Alonso

  • Forty-eight Churra with their new-born lambs were used to study the effects of supplementing diets with 3% of linseed oil and vitamin E, synthetic or natural, on milk and meat fatty acid. Linseed oil caused an increase in VA, t-10 C18:1, RA, t-10, c-12 C18:2 and ALA in milk and intramuscular fat compared to the Control. Neither the addition of vitamin E to the LO diets nor the type of vitamin E did influence significantly the majority of milk fatty acids compared with the LO diet alone.

Fundación Dialnet

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