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Resumen de Reflectivity in heterogeneous groups in higher education – the use of portfolios and projects to support individual reflective processes

Dagmar Engfer, Montserrat Feixas Vihe, Franziska Zellweger, Z. Bührer, Gabriel Flepp

  • In higher education, in general, and in faculty development in particular, heterogeneous groupsare common therefore different backgrounds of participants need to be considered in learning environments(Bos et al., 2004). Accordingly, teaching strategies are necessary to support individual learningprocesses and consider heterogeneity as a resource. As central part of the one-year programme of theCentre for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education participating teachers in higher education developa reflective portfolio (Bachmann, 2015) or a SoTL project (Boyer, 1990) on their teaching practice.As part of a systematic programme review, we conducted a study to better understand the reflectiveprocesses of participants as expressed in their portfolios or projects. The overall aim is to improve thesupport of this learning process in considering the heterogeneity and diverse entry requirements of participants.The results of this study will provide a basis for the re-design of the programme in order to intensifyactive and individualized learning environments for heterogeneous groups (Bos et al., 2004). Inthis contribution we focus on the following questions:— How can the quality of reflection in portfolio and project texts be assessed?— How does the quality of reflection differ due to varying entry requirements of participants?— How can we initiate, facilitate and support reflection processes in considering the heterogeneityof participants?To answer these questions, first a model for analysing the quality of reflection in portfolios orprojects was developed based on an extensive literature analysis. Second, portfolios or projects of 8 participantswere analysed and complemented with semi-structured interviews with the same participants.One result is that the difference in teaching experience as one aspect of participants’ heterogeneity inhigher education influences the quality of reflection in the portfolios and project report in a positiveway. The motivation as one influencing factor is at least or can even be more important for the reflectionlevel in learning processes. Thus, in the revised programme we could offer choices, provide morespecific feedback and support the individual learning processes of our participants with coaching in orderto respond more accurately to the needs of our heterogenous audience.

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