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Resumen de Scaling bi/multilingualism through dual language education: a multi-sited study of diverse learners’ views

Bingjie Zheng

  • English

    This multi-sited ethnographic study, conducted in two Mandarin-English dual language schools in two states in the U.S., investigates how students from diverse social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds perceive and navigate bi/multilingualism through dual language education. Drawing on the scalar analysis of video-recorded student interviews, this study documented diverse students’ complicated navigation of heterogeneous linguistic resources across scales beyond the ‘two’ in dual language education. It rejects the essentialization and labelling of dual language learners and their learning into homogenous groups based on their linguistic and ethnic backgrounds. Findings reveal that bi/multilingualism is perceived by students as scaled resources to navigate multiple scales of language use. Dual language education is taken up agentively as a scaling practice to gain legitimacy in the English-dominant U.S. society versus in the neoliberal multilingual globalised world. Different patterns of students’ perceptions toward bi/multilingualism and their self-identifications are prevalent between students with different social and linguistic backgrounds, which calls for responsive dual language policies and pedagogies to address the diverse repertoires and learning needs of dual language students and families.

  • 中文

    本研究采用民族志的研究方法, 调查来自于不同社会, 文化和语言背景的学生如何在双语学习过程中看待和应对他们的的双语/多语能力。研究基地是位于美国两个州内的两所中英文双语学校。本文采用scalar analysis的方法分析学生的访谈视频, 记录不同背景的学生如何根据不同的空间来调动复杂多样化的语言资源。本研究拒绝基于双语学习者的语言和种族背景而把学习者一概划分为同一群体。调查结果表明, 学生把双/多语能力视为多维度资源来应对不同社会场所和空间下的语言需求。学生积极地通过双语教育来应对英语主导的美国社会环境和新自由主义多语全球化的世界环境。研究同时发现来自不同社会和语言背景的学生对双/多语种的看法不同, 对自己的社会身份认同也不同。这需要有效的双语言政策和教学方法来应对多元化学生和家庭的群体的需求。

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