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Resumen de Senior high school students’ learning styles and experiences in the emergency remote teaching

Catalina Juárez Díaz, Enmanuel Hinojosa

  • español

    Nowadays Mexican senior high school institutions are promoting temporally emergency remote teaching. Even though the instructional shift is just temporal, it is advisable to implement technology in education, consider student needs, learning styles, and promote student autonomy in the online learning experiences, Moreover, to include the teacher, the social, and the cognitive presences in the community of inquiry. This qualitative study aimed to analyze senior high school students' online learning experiences in relation to their learning styles. The sampling process was voluntary and consists of 37 participants. The results show predominance of theorist students, followed by the pragmatists, and finally, activists. Favorable learning experiences involved teachers using appropriate strategies and materials to promote learning. Negative online learning experiences were due to students' lack of understanding and interaction, as well as teachers' lack of explanation, reinforcement, and feedback, which reflect the lack of cognitive and teacher presence and omission of elements in online learning experiences that address the particularities of students regarding their learning styles.

  • English

    Nowadays Mexican senior high school institutions are promoting temporally emergency remote teaching. Even though the instructional shift is just temporal, it is advisable to implement technology in education, consider student needs, learning styles, and promote student autonomy in the online learning experiences, Moreover, to include the teacher, the social, and the cognitive presences in the community of inquiry. This qualitative study aimed to analyze senior high school students' online learning experiences in relation to their learning styles. The sampling process was voluntary and consists of 37 participants. The results show a predominance of theorist students, followed by the pragmatists, and finally, activists. Favorable learning experiences involved teachers using appropriate strategies and materials to promote learning. Negative online learning experiences were due to students' lack of understanding and interaction, as well as teachers' lack of explanation, reinforcement, and feedback, which reflect the lack of cognitive and teacher presence and omission of elements in online learning experiences that address the particularities of students regarding their learning styles.

  • português

    Actualmente, as instituições mexicanas de baccalauréat estão a promover o ensino remoto de emergência. A mudança é apenas temporária, mas recomenda-se implementar tecnologia, considerar as necessidades e estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes e promover a sua autonomia nas experiências de aprendizagem em linha. Além disso, incluir a presença social, cognitiva e de professores. Este estudo qualitativo visava analisar as experiências de aprendizagem em linha dos estudantes do ensino secundário em relação aos seus estilos de aprendizagem. A amostra é voluntária e é composta por 37 participantes. Os resultados mostram uma predominância de aprendizes teóricos, seguidos por aprendizes pragmáticos e finalmente aprendizes activos. Nas experiências de aprendizagem favoráveis, os professores utilizam estratégias e materiais adequados para promover a aprendizagem. As experiências negativas deveram-se à falta de compreensão e interacção dos estudantes, bem como à falta de explicação, reforço e feedback dos professores, reflectindo a falta de presença cognitiva e de professores e a omissão de elementos nas experiências de aprendizagem em linha que atendessem às particularidades dos estudantes no que diz respeito aos seus estilos de aprendizagem.

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