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Resumen de Escape from Quant Lab: Using Lab Skill Progression and a Final Project to Engage Students

Hannah B. Musgrove, William M. Ward, Leslie A. Hiatt

  • A Quantitative Analysis Lab class was developed that began with 9 weeks of student preparation for the Quant Escape Game (QEG) where the students learned the fundamentals of quantitative analysis. The preparation was followed by the four-week QEG, an active-learning, cooperative-learning, and problem-based learning experience in which the students used their knowledge of the fundamentals of quantitative analysis to solve the given problems. Students reported that the game caused them to learn, thinking in advance all semester long instead of simply going through the motions. The students were motivated by the prospect of using the fundamental skills that they learned early in the class to solve a real, complex, and multistep problem as part of an escape game. The students enjoyed the independence the game afforded and the ability to strategize within a large team setting. The QEG was a way of motivating students to achieve course goals while providing a way for students to showcase their improved abilities and skills at the end of the semester.

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