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Resumen de ©Manuel Guerrero Mora-Tropico4-2016 Self-Efficacy for the Learning of Academic Writing in ESL Mediated by WebQuest-Wiki in a Group of Pre-Service Language Teachers in Mexico

Kalinka Velasco Zárate, José Manuel Meza Cano

  • This study investigates the self-efficacy for academic writing that a group of pre-service efl teachers in Mexico presents when faced with the task of collaboratively writing a documentary research paper, mediated by WebQuest-Wiki Project. In particular, the study investigates the following: (a) the self-efficacy levels before and after the task; (b) the source of self-efficacy that students bring to the task; (c) self-efficacy originated from the actions and means in the task. A mixed design involved the use of the academic writing in English self-efficacy perception questionnaire, the information drawn from the diagnostic phase in the course, and a questionnaire that evaluated the WebQuest-Wiki. A T-test (prepost, no control group) was significant **p < 0.05 for the factors self-efficacy for learning, local and global knowledge of the writing process, and metacognitive self-regulation. By contrast, the factors writing conventions, ideas generation, time/effort and physical response were not significant. The main sources for the initially observed high self-efficacy in the use of writing conventions and selfefficacy for learning, derived from their previous practices in writing descriptive texts, and from their confidence on obtaining satisfactory achievements in their study. The WebQuest-Wiki increased their perception of having more control over the comprehension of content from their readings, over their use of vocabulary comprehension strategies, and over the use of specific academic writing skills. Besides, it allowed the students to consider their peers as models for the activity to be done.

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