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Resumen de Education, Cinema and Science Teacher Education Program: the right to gaze at the gaze of the camera

Valéria Cazetta, Celi Rodrigues Chaves Dominguez, Fabiana Curtopassi Pioker Hara, Josely Cubero

  • This text presents the results of research projects conducted by students of the Science Teacher Training Program at University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil). This project focused on the use of cinematographic language as a vector of subjectification. In order to privilege heterogeneity and procedural creation in the education of the teachers-in-training, some elements on the interface between cinema and education were considered, such as the experience of gazing, (re)framing, editing and producing a short movie. All these can be circumscribed within a dimension of aesthetics, ethics and politics that destabilizes the massification and homogenization foundations of contemporary subjectivities. The work is based on contributions by Foucault, Guattari and Deleuze, regarding the notions of subjectivity and subjectification, as well as by Comolli’s work on cinema. Methodological procedures were guided by the concept of cartography, more as a way of addressing research according to its own contingencies, and less seeking to get to the results. We conclude that the deployment of cinematographic language during the Science Teacher Education Program made it possible for the students to look deeply into public school during their internship program. Through the production of short films, they were able not only to portray a reality of the school where they had carried out their internship, but also to recognize and show the invisible, silenced and neglected topographies of that institution as well. Actualizing these topographies has involved students in a learning process by means of seismic waves: to desire people in their differences, and having their gazes returned, as they direct their geographies to the camera.

Fundación Dialnet

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