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Resumen de Current university, from traditional teaching to learning through STEAM

Juan Patricio Santillán Aguirre, Edgar Mesías Jaramillo Moyano, Ramiro David Santos Poveda, Valeria Del Carmen Cadena Vaca

  • This article was developed at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador, in order to determine the students’ perception of the teaching model through STEAM approach to academic achievement in today's university. The materials and methods are in the context of the positivist paradigm, a quantitative investigation has been carried out, and an instrument with a Likert-type scale was applied to a sample of fifty (50) people.  Students of the Graphic Design degree, namely: Fifth, Sixth and Ninth semester. In two moments: a pre-test phase, which involved the traditional teaching model and a post-test phase, through activities under the STEAM approach with tools made possible by the STEAM Thinking Lab. The results obtained indicated that the students preferred the activities that involved inquiry as a means of learning with the use of digital development devices such as those found in the STEAM Thinking laboratory in 66%. In addition, they showed preference for teaching techniques such as those applied through the STEAM teaching model by 54%. Finally, 60% to 90% of students were approved in the post-application evaluations of the inquiry education scheme.

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