Os cambios sociais e económicos aos que está sometida a poboación teñen provocado moitos beneficios ao respecto, pero ao tempo, tamén conlevaron unha serie de problemas medioambientais (deforestación, contaminación, etc.). A mellor forma para transmitir a Educación Ambiental é a través dos seus sistemas educativos –e xunto ás familias–, dándolle así importancia desde as primeiras etapas do crecemento do ser humano. De aí a importancia que teñen os coñecementos dos docentes (e dos futuros docentes) especto a este tema. Por iso, o obxectivo deste estudo é coñecer as concepcións que ten o futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria en materia de reciclaxe. O estudo desenvolveuse entre os cursos 2015-2016 e 2017-2018 e participaron 329 estudantes do Grao de Educación Primaria. Como instrumento de recollida de datos se utilizó unha enquisa composta por oito preguntas (cinco abertas e tres pechadas). Os resultados mostran que, ainda das boas intencións mostradas polos participantes, estes ainda posuen descoñecementos e malos hábitos respecto á reciclaxe. Neste sentido, resulta evidente a necesidadee de incorporar a sostenibilidade na educación universitaria en xeral, e na formación do profesorado en particular.
The social and economic changes throught the population have brought many benefits in this regard, but at the same time, it has also resulted in a series of environmental problems (deforestation, pollution, etc.). The best way to transmit Environmental Education is through its educational systems -and together with families-, thus giving it importance from the first stages of human growth. It's very important to take into account the knowledge of teachers (and future teachers) on this issue. For that reason, the objective of this study is to know the conceptions that the future teachers of Primary Education have regarding recycling. The study was developed between the 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 courses and 329 students of the Primary Education Degree participated. A questionnaire composed of eight questions (five open and three closed) was used as a data collection instrument. The results show that, despite the good intentions shown by the participants, they still have ignorance and bad habits about recycling. In this sense, the need to incorporate sustainability into university education in general, and teacher training in particular, is evident.
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