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Resumen de Prognostic analysis of astrocytic gliomas correlating histological parameters with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen labelling index (PCNA-LI)

F. F. Cruz Sanchez, J. C. Ferreres, J. Figols, A. Palacín, Antonio Cardesa, M.L. Rossi, José Fernando Val Bernal

  • Eighty out of 250 cases of astrocy tic glioma collected from a practice served by a single c linical team ove r a 15-yea r pe ri o d were studi e d usin g a f ull compl eme nt of c lini ca l, fo llow up , histopatho log ica l analysis and proli fe rating ce ll nuc lear antigen (PC NA) immunostaining fo r the obte ntion of the PCNA-Iabe lling index (LI). A statisti ca l eva lu ati on a nd disc rimin ant analysis were carried out with the aim of clarify ing the importance of various parameters as predictors of tumor behav iour. Data are correlated with surviva l (with a 10- year follow up).

    A significant corre lation with surviva l was fo und whe n histo log ica l groupin g a nd the PC NA-LI we re studied with the Cox test. Most sign ificant features were histo log ica l as de tec ted usin g c lassica l tech niqu es in c ludin g histo log ica l g rad in g. The utili za ti o n of objecti ve va lues (mitosis, cellular density and necrosis) appears to be useful in grading astrocy ti c tumors. Our res ults e mph as ize th e impo rt a nce of cy to log ica l , histo log ical and PCNA-LI parameters as predi ctors of tumor behaviour.

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