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Resumen de Between broadcast yourself and broadcast whatever: The YouTube’s homepage as a synthesis of its business strategy empresarial

Miguel de Aguilera Moyano, Antonio Castro Higueras, José Patricio Pérez Rufí

  • español

    YouTube es una empresa representativa de su contexto originario, la web 2.0, posicionándose como plataforma abierta y colaborativa para difundir vídeos de todo tipo de usuario, con el slogan Broadcast yourself. La adquisición de YouTube por Google la introduce en la búsqueda de beneficios en el marco de la comunicación OTT (over the top). La página de inicio de YouTube muestra las sucesivas políticas empresariales de la plataforma. Se analiza la evolución de la página de inicio no logueada de YouTube España entre 2009 y 2018. Se observa la gradual desaparición de los vídeos producidos por usuarios particulares y su sustitución por los vídeos de usuarios profesionalizados (youtubers) y de industrias culturales. Hay un notable paralelismo entre la implementación de modelos de negocio y la mayor o menor recomendación de vídeos de uno u otro tipo.

  • English

    YouTube is a company representative of its original context, Web 2.0, that originally positioned itself as an open and collaborative platform to broadcast videos created by all kinds of users; their slogan was, and remains, Broadcast yourself. The acquisition of YouTube by Google introduced it in the search for profit in the framework of OTT (over the top) communication. The YouTube homepage reveals the successive business policies followed by the platform. In this work we analyze the evolution of the unlogged homepage of YouTube Spain between 2009 and 2018. We observe the gradual disappearance of the videos produced by private users and its replacement by those made by professional users (youtubers) and cultural industries. There is a remarkable parallelism between the implementation of business models and the greater or lesser recommendation of video from one kind of user or another.

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