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Resumen de Relación entre las calificaciones en la evaluación continua y en el examen final: Diferencias por género, nivel socio-económico y conocimientos iniciales (código 4137)

Pedro Albarrán Pérez, Marianna Battaglia, Marcello Sartarelli, Sarai Vera Rodríguez, José Vicente-Pérez

  • We study the effect of a nudge in achievement in a midterm test on subsequent performance in Math by using administrative and survey data from students at the University of Alicante. We estimate the effect through a regression discontinuity design since only students obtaining a midterm score greater than or equal to 5 may interpret their score positively. The sign of the effect is unclear ex-ante as a nudge may induce students to believe that additional study effort is (un)important to ensure a pass in course. We find that the overall effect is small and not significant. We do not find differences by gender or socioeconomic status; some differences might exist in students who majored in Arts and Humanities, whose initial knowledge in Math is lower, but a rigorous conclusion cannot be drawn. However, our results point out that the nudge effect is heterogeneous by students’ confidence: a nudge for non-confident students leads to lower performance in subsequent assessment, while confident students, although reacting positively with respect to non-confident ones, do not change their performance. Our results shed light on the role of confidence in processing salient although noisy information on achievement and its consequences on subsequent performance.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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