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Resumen de BeA add-ons to support on-line assessment and to improve review communications

Martín Llamas Nistal, Fernando A. Mikic Fonte, Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, Adrián Queipo Pardo, Martín Liz Domínguez

  • During the last years, ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) have been used extensively for supportingteaching and learning processes for both distance and in-person scenarios. In case of in-person scenarios, a key part of theseprocesses involves the assessment of the students using written exams. BeA (Blended e-Assessment) has been developed foraddressing this kind of assessments with ICTs. This platform supports the streamlining of the whole cycle required forassessing traditional written exams from preparation to print in paper, to grade and review on-line. This paper introducesnew developments in BeA to support also on-line assessment and automatic grading of written multiple-choice tests, andcommunication facilities to allow student-professor communication during the reviewing stage. Using these facilitiesprofessors have more options to prepare exams and tests, and different assessment processes, including self-assessment, arefacilitated in a more comprehensive way.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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