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Resumen de The intrinsic-motivation course design method

Geoffrey L. Herman, David E. Goldberg, Kyle F. Trenshaw, Mark Somerville, Jonathan Stolk

  • Because engineering faculty seldom use research-based instructional strategies, the engineering education community hasbecome increasingly concerned with how to help faculty sustainably integrate education research into their teachingpractices. We developed the Intrinsic-Motivation (IM) Course Design Method to make motivation theory accessible tofaculty and to help faculty think more concretely about the costs that demotivate them and make their course designsuntenable. Our course design method complements existing course design methods by providing an approach to designingfor motivational outcomes. In this paper, we describe the IM Course Design Method and then illustrate how this methodwas used to refine the design of a sophomore-level engineering course that enrolled over 200 students. We then presentevaluation evidencefrom this course to suggestthat applicationof the method canincrease students’intrinsic motivationinengineering courses.

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