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Resumen de Represión política e castigo do profesorado republicano na provincia de Lugo: As consecuencias do 36

Antón Costa Rico, Uxía Bolaño Amigo

  • galego

    No contexto dun marco social tan intensamente rural como era o da provincia de Lugo cando alborecía o século XX tamén a realidade escolar era apagada, mais paulatinamente contra o final dos anos vinte tamén nela se puideron apreciar fermentos e dinámicas de renovación pedagóxica, intensificadas no tempo da II República. O golpe militar franquista tronzou, mesmo con vidas, aquel proceso, do que recuperamos aquí fragmentos significativos da súa memoria

  • English

    In the context of a social frame as intensely rural as was the province of Lugo in the early twentieth century, the situation of education was dim. However, little by little by the end of 1920s there were signs of progress in pedagogical renewal, which gained momentum during the period of the Second Republic. The Pro-Franco military coup truncated that process and with a toll in human lives. Here we have recovered fragments from this memory.

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