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Resumen de May Schools Develop Their Students' Intuition?

Jordi Villoro Armengol, Santiago Estaun Ferrer

  • The main purpose of the research has been to dictate the role intuition plays in the decision-making of undergraduate marketing students.The study and process of decision-making has always been focused on statistics and mathematics by the business world and universities, while most psychological aspects have been avoided.In recent years emotions, cognitive processes, intuition, etc., have increased their importance in the decision-making process; but they still have a long way to go.The research, which this article is based on, has been performed under a sample of 404 individuals aged 20 to 25 years; half of which are marketing students in ESIC Business & Marketing School. Their decisions are analysed and compared with other collectives to observe if the information is an accurate significant variable for their decision-making.A questionnaire was administered to the participants in which they were asked the possible success or failure of specific products if they were to be launched on the market. These products were real and chosen by marketing experts.The participation of the individual in physical, cultural, etc. activities was also taken into account as well as their personal profile and psychographic data.The results obtained vary significantly from a statistical point of view and prove that training, background, participations on social activities and the perception of one's intuitive capacity are keys to success when it comes to decision-making.

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