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Resumen de O uso das TIC no apoio a estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais em Manaus, Amazónia

Aldenei Moura Barros, Maria João Ferreira Gomes, Anabela Cruz Santos

  • English

    This study aimed to characterize the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the support of students with special educational needs, identifying the factors conditioning the use of ICT. A questionnaire was developed and applied to 100 high school teachers, who were teaching at five schools in the city of Manaus, Brazil. The results of this study indicate that: a) the use of the smartphone is superior in the teachers between the ages of 31 and 40 years, while the use of the smartphone is smaller among teachers over the age of 50, b) the use of resources Available to students (internet), is higher for teachers aged 31-40 than for teachers over 50, c) teachers aged 41-50 are That use the tablet more with the students, d) the use of the computer as a didactic resource with the students is superior in the professors that have postgraduate, than in relation to the teachers who have other type of training, and e) the use of the netbook In pedagogical practices is superior in teachers who have up to 20 years of service time, in relation to the other groups. that condition the use of theinformation and communication technologies by the teachers in the support to the students with special educational needs, in this way contributing to the foundation of measures to be taken by the educational entities.

  • português

    Este estudo teve por finalidade caracterizar o uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) no apoio a estudantes com necessidades educativas especiais, identificando os fatores condicionantes do uso das TIC . Foi desenvolvido um questionário e aplicado a 100 professores do ensino médio, que exerciam funções docentes em cinco escolas da rede pública da cidade de Manaus, Brasil.   

Fundación Dialnet

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