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Resumen de Proposta didático-metodológica no enfrentamento da baixa aprendizagem na área do cálculo

Nadia Sanzovo Sanzovo, Joaquim José Jacinto Escola

  • English

    The present article has the purpose of describing a didactic -methodological proposal that is constituted by the application of multiple methodologies, called active collaborative, that aimed to implement virtual learning environments in the Federal Technological University of Paraná -Câmpus Pato Branco in a perspective of autonomy. To this end, it is initially seeking an understanding of the connections between cyberculture -which characterizes contemporary society -through the application of ICT tools through the Virtual Laboratory (Learning Objects) + Flipped Classroom) + active collaborative methodologies (Dos Trezentos, Frafelli, 2015), so that the group can assume itself as subject of its history, in the construction of knowledge in an active collaborative way. This perspective contrasts with the so-called classic model of teaching that continues to persist unquestioningly by a large part of teachers, students, and society itself in general in which the teacher teaches, basically and fundamentally, telling students what they are supposed to to know. This is what Finkel (2008) calls "teaching narration", opposing the "giving closed-mouth class" model,which stimulates the search for alternative ways of teaching.

  • português

    O presente artigo tem o propósito de descreve uma proposta didático-metodológica que se constitui pela aplicação de metodologias múltiplas, ditas ativas colaborativas, que objetivou implementar ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Pato Branco numa perspectiva de autonomia. Para tal, inicialmente está se buscando a compreensão das conexões entre a cibercultura – que caracteriza a sociedade contemporânea – com a aplicação das ferramentas da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação – TIC, por meio do Laboratório Virtual (Objetos de Aprendizagem)+Flipped Classroom (Sala Invertida) + Metodologias ativas colaborativas, 

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