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Loditasunaren gizarte-irudikapenak eta emozioak gazteengan

    1. [1] UPV/EHU
  • Localización: Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-5738, ISSN-e 3020-5115, Nº. 104, 2018, págs. 31-44
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Fatness social representations and emotions in youth
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Ikerketa honek helburu du aztertzea nola ulertzen den loditasuna unibertsitateko ikasle gazteen ikuspuntutik. Bereziki loditasunaren eraikuntza kolektiboan emozioek duten garrantzia eta gazteek berek loditasunarekin duten harremana ikertuaz. Horretarako, asoziazio askeko ariketa bat burutu genuen 200 unibertsitate-ikasleren artean eta emaitzak Alceste softwarearen bidez aztertu ziren. Emaitzek adierazi zuten gazteek loditasuna osasun-arazo bezala deskribatzen zutela lehenik, baina deskribapen horrek ez zeukala karga emozionalik berari lotua. Bigarrenik, loditasuna arazo estetiko eta gizarte-bazterketaren iturri gisa ere deskribatzen zen eta, faktore horri hertsiki lotua, karga emozional negatibo nabarmena ageri zen; besteak beste, bakardade, herstura, tristura, segurtasun falta, lotsa, pena edota haserre emozioak plazaratzen zituzten gazteek. Bukatzeko, loditasuna gizarte-ikuspuntu honetatik lantzetik eratorritako ondorioak eta osasunaren eraikuntza positiboago baterako premisak eztabaidatu dira.

    • English

      This paper analyzes how youth understand fatness. In order to do this, our study investigates the importance of the emotions in the collective construction of the fatness and the relation that the young people have with it. A free association exercise elicited by the word «fatness» was answered by 200 university students and the content was analysed using Alceste software for lexical analysis. Firstly, the results showed that the health related representation of fatness was mostly descriptive and not emotional. But fatness was also thoroughly represented as an aesthetic issue linked with social marginalization and highly correlated with negative emotions such as lonesomeness, anxiety, sadness, insecurity, embarrassment, pity or anger. In addition, the implications of the social representation of fatness and emotional responses to it, as well as their importance in the way that this health issue is faced, are considered.

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