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Resumen de Relaciones funcionales entre salud mental y capital social en víctimas del conflicto armado y personas en situación de pobreza

Aura Cardozo Rusinque, Omar Fernando Cortés Peña, Mailyn Castro Monsalvo

  • español

    Se realizó una investigación que tuvo como objetivo establecer las relaciones funcionales entre salud mental y capital social en personas que han sido víctimas del desplazamiento forzado en el marco del conflicto armado y personas en condición de pobreza. El estudio fue de tipo exposfacto retrospectivo y participaron 380 adultos, clasificados en dos grupos: 190 en situación de desplazamiento y 190 en situación de pobreza. Se administraron los siguientes instrumentos: la Adaptación Española de las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff (Díaz, Rodríguez-Carvajal, Blanco, Moreno-Jiménez, Gallardo, Valle & Van Dierendonk, 2006), la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (Diener, 1994), la Escala de Bienestar Social (Keyes, 1998) y el Barómetro del Capital Social (Sudarsky, 1999). Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis con el software SPSS 18 para establecer las correlaciones y relaciones funcionales de las variables en los grupos de estudio. Los hallazgos dan cuenta de las correlaciones significativas entre las dimensiones constitutivas del capital social y la salud mental. En segunda instancia se presentan las relaciones funcionales, implementando los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales en cada grupo, asumiendo una relación funcional positiva entre el capital social y la salud mental, que se mantiene en cada grupo estudiado, siendo superior en el grupo de desplazados (β = .56) en comparación con el grupo de pobreza (β = .41). Estos hallazgos permiten evidenciar que las relaciones funcionales analizadas es tructuralmente entre capital social y salud mental son directamente proporcionales y constituyen un insumo para el desarrollo de programas de intervención psicosocial orientados a la mejoría de la calidad de vida y el empoderamiento social comunitario.

  • English

    This paper informs an investigation which had as objective to establish the functionalrelationships between mental health and social capital in people who have been victims of forced displacement in the context of the armed conflict, and people in poverty conditions.The social capital is understood from the proposal of Putnam (1993), such as the commitment that occurs between actors and social groups where there are networks and standardsthat facilitate collaboration, the commitment and confidence;

    through which you can set changes. For the present study, account is taken of the observable variables, measures through the Barometer of Social Capital developed by Sudarsky (2007) and worked in the third measurement of social capital in 2011, in the report presented by Hurtado, García, and Copete (2013), which gives an account of three factors: Solidarity, consolidation of groups and the construction ofsocial fabric (Ksocial), institutional trust and social control (Confie) and credibility in sources of non-validated information (Fenoval).

    Mental health in research responds to the model of the entire state of health proposed by Keyes (2005b),which assumes the understanding of mental health as a state of well-being, more than the absence of disease, composed of three factors that for terms of the study are the observable variables that make part of the latent variable of mental health, these are: Spanish Adaptation of the Scales of Psychological Well-being of Ryff (Díaz, Rodrí- guez-Carvajal, Blanco, Moreno-Jiménez, Gallardo, Valle & Van Dierendonk, 2006) which focuses on the personal development, by which envisaged dimensions like the autoaceptación, positive relationships, autonomy, the domain of the environment, the personal growth and the project of life (Blanco &Valera, 2007); the SubjectiveWell-being (Diener, 1984), constitutes the cognitive and affective evaluations that a person generates around to his life and converges the aspects of the satisfaction and the positive emotions-negative (Blanco & Valera, 2007) and Social Welfare (Keyes, 1998), understood as the value that we of the circumstances and the operation that we have within the society. Includes items such as integration, acceptance, the contribution, the update and the social coherence. The study was retrospective exposfact type and counted 380 adults, classified in two groups: 190 in situation of displacement and 190 in situation of poverty. The instruments were the Scales Psychological Wellbeing (Ryff, 1989); Satisfaction with Life (Diener, 1994); Social Welfare (Keyes, 1998), and the Barometer of Social Capital (Sudarsky, 1999).

    Subsequently, an analysis was carried out with the SPSS software 18 to establish correlations and functional relationships of the variablesin the study groups. The findings give account of the significant correlations between the constituent dimensions of social capital and mental health. In second instance presentsthe functional relationshipsimplementing structural equation modelsin each group, assuming a positive functional relationship between social capital and mental health, which is maintained in each of the groups of study, being higher in the group of displaced persons(β = .56) in comparison with the group of poverty (β = .41). These findings allowed to demonstrate that the functional relationships analyzed structurally between social capital and mental health are directly proportional and constitute an input to the development of psychosocial intervention programs aimed at the improvement of the quality of life and social empowerment community. This research is a systematic input ofstructural analysis of the functional relationships between Social Capital and Mental Health, to strengthen the horizon of future studies thatshould be directed to deepen the analysis of the complex reality that people live in a situation of vulnerability,such asisthe case of those who have experienced the forced displacement by effect of the armed conflict and those who have lived in poverty.

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