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Resumen de Da filosofia da diferença à reflexão sobre o conceito de multiplicidade para pensar o método em comunicação

Lisiane Machado Aguiar, Nísia Martins do Rosário

  • português

    O objetivo central da proposta é desenvolver uma abordagem sobre pontos de vista acerca da ciência, do método e das metodologias em Comunicação que se construam sobre uma perspectiva das multiplicidades. A partir de uma visão que perpassa a filosofia e a sociologia, considerando apropriações e adequações de conhecimentos transdisciplinares, o debate visa a se organizar na comunicação por um pensamento crítico, considerando igualmente o compromisso social da pesquisa. Assim, as tratativas do artigo se configuram sobre o debate acerca do conceito e do uso do método na inter-relação com as reflexões desenvolvidas por pensadores pós-estruturalistas, bem como busca versar sobre procedimentos metodológicos decorrentes desse viés.In the philosophy of difference to the debate of multiplicities to consider the method in communication Abstract: The main goal of the proposal is to develop an approach to views concerning science, method and methodologies in communication which build themselves under a perspective of multiplicities. From a view which permeates Philosophy and Sociology, considering appropriation and adjustments of transdisciplinary knowledge, the debate aims to organize itself in communication through a critical thinking. Thus, the issues of the article configure themselves about the debate regarding the method concept and use in the interrelation with the reflections developed by poststructuralist thinkers, as well as seek to relate to methodological procedures due to this bias.

  • English

    The main goal of the proposal is to develop an approach to views concerning science, method and methodologies in communication which build themselves under a perspective of multiplicities. From a view which permeates Philosophy and Sociology, considering appropriation and adjustments of transdisciplinary knowledge, the debate aims to organize itself in communication through a critical thinking. Thus, the issues of the article configure themselves about the debate regarding the method concept and use in the interrelation with the reflections developed by poststructuralist thinkers, as well as seek to relate to methodological procedures due to this bias.

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