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Resumen de Sobre la generación y resolución automática de ejercicios con medios tecnológicos y la educación matemática.

Angélica Martínez Zarzuelo, Eugenio Roanes Lozano

  • Regarding software, the firs computer algebra systems are dated from the late 60s, and were spread (at an academic level) at the end of tht ´90s. These are, possibly, the most powerful software pieces for maths education. Regarding hardware, nowadays it is normal in Spain to have a computer at home, plus specific purpose electronic devices such as video game consoles, smartphones, e-readers, tablet-PCs ... Meanwhile, to have a computer connected to a beamer and even an electronic blackboard in the classroom is becoming common. But, surprisingly, maths teaching is still based almost exclusively on printed books and the blackboard/whyteboard. Therefore, little advantage is taken from the available technological media in math education, focusing on the automatic generation and resolution of examples.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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