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Resumen de Fermentación alcohólica del suero de lechería por Candida pseudotropicalis

M. Cuesta, I. Cornejo Contreras

  • Candida pseudotropicalis IFI-1268 was selected among thirty seven strains of lactose-fermenting yeast on the basis of its ability to produce ethanol from reconstituted and deproteinized whey powder.

    Optimal conditions for maximum ethanol production, by this yeast, include: initial lactose concentration in the media of 15%, initial pH of 5 and 30ºC. Addition of nitrogen or phosphorus salts (0,3%) resulted in increased ethanol yields, an addition of yeast extract in higher fermentation rates. In these conditions an average productivity of 8,2 ºGL was obtained. No differences in fermentation rates or ethanol yields were observed whole or deproteinized whey solutions were used. Eight major volatile component of the fermentation products of whey were determinated by Gas Chromatography.

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