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Resumen de Caracterización paleohidraúlica de algunos litosomas conglomeráticos paleógenos de la Cuenca del Ebro. Ejemplos en La Conca de Barberà (Tarragona).

Carmelo Gallardo, Ferrán Colombo Piñol

  • A detailed sedimentologìcal examination of several paleogene conglomeratic rock bodies located in La Conca de Barberà area and interpreted as different types of paleochannels, allow us to deduce some of its paleohydraulic characteristics. The vertical and lateral variations in the clast size distributions provides some information related to the hydraulic variations during the deposition time span. As some the studied rock bodies are constituted by different storeys separated by scars, we have made all the hydraulic calculations by means of maximum and minimun values of the selected parameters. The final results.are in a semiquantitative sense in order to have a new approximation of the main paleohydraulic characteristics

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