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Resumen de Comportamiento hidráulico y sedimentario del río Ebro, entre Tortosa y Amposta (Tarragona, España).

Ferrán Colombo Piñol, Miquel Canals Artigas, Jorge Guillén Aranda

  • The segment studied in the Lower Ebro River is 73 km long and it marks the end of fluvial-dominated environments preceeding the deltaic environments (fluvio-deltaic, fluviomarine and river mouth) fully developed down Amposta. The maintenance of river bed topography and bed-forms, grain sizes and flow conditions, all measured repeteadly since 7983 to 7988, a period characterised by Iow to medium water discharges (<600 m3/seg.) prove that bed transport can occur only during high (>800 m3/seg.) to extreme (2.000 m3/seg. or more) flow discharges, the last of such magnitude having taken place in November 7982. Present bed-forms are, thus, inherited bed-forms

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