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Resumen de Tracce del perfet perifràstic catalano nell'Istoria di Eneas siciliana

Francisco Núñez-Román

  • The reign of Frederick III was one of the moments of greatest cultural growth within the Aragonese domination of Sicily. During this period, the Sicilian court enjoyed the presence of prominent figures from the Kingdom of Aragon.

    The cultural invasion, together with the political one, also had important linguistic consequences, which can be recognized in the vast number of Catalanisms in today�s Sicilian dialect.

    This study seeks to highlight the presence of morpho-syntactic Catalanism, the perfet perifràstic (periphrastic past), in one of the most important works of that epoch, Istoria di Eneas (the History story of Aneas) by Angilu di Capua. This work shows the high level of «Catalanization» within the Siculo-Aragonese court, which even touched secondary personages within the court itself such as Angilu di Capua da Messina.

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