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Resumen de La traduction littéraire en Roumanie au XXie siècle: quelques réflexions.

Muguras Constantinescu

  • This article proposes a synopsis on Romanian reflection upon literary translation as adopted in several studies and papers published in Romania. In this country, the onset of this century has seen the dramatical increase of the number of books on the market. The authors of the studies examined - Tudor Ionescu, Magda Jeanrenaud, Gelu Ionescu, Irina Mavrodin, Ioana Balacescu - have successfully assumed the triple role of literary critic, translator and academic, all these reflected in their approach and in the practical aspect of their work, issued from their approach and their firm belief in the efficacy of a theory on translation and translating. Thus, Tudor Ionescu confesses that he is in great doubt whether to class literary translation as an art or a science, Gelu Ionescu tries to define the horizon of translation, Magda Jeanrenaud surveys history and criticism of translation, Irina Mavrodin invites the reader to view literary translation not as a theory divorced from practice - or the other way around - but rather as a blend of the two, while Ioana Balacescu elaborates a didactics of translation placing creativity in the centre of the preoccupations. Despite the diversity of the viewpoints adopted by the translation theorists, a common denominator is very much in evidence when discussing the necessity and importance of a theory of literary translation as a constant companion when translating literary texts, with theory and practice intimately bonding in a two-way relationship.

    Plan de l'article

    1. Introduction
    2. Un traducteur/traductologue sur fond d'artiste : Tudor Ionescu
    3. La traduction comme genre littéraire intégral enrichissant la littérature nationale : Gelu Ionescu
    4. La traduction sous tous ses aspects : Magda Jeanrenaud
    5. Une " pratico-théorie " de la traduction : Irina Mavrodin
    6. La créativité, au centre de la didactique de la traduction : Ioana Balacescu
    7. Une traductologie particulièrement marquée par ses rapports avec la pratique et la didactique

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