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Resumen de Comparison between the effect of y-irradiation and roasting on the profile and antioxidant activity of wheat germ lipids

Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan, Hany El-Said Showky, Abd El-Rahman Mohamed Sulieman

  • español

    Se estudió el efecto de la ?-irradiación (dosis de irradiación de 1/4, 1/2 y 1 kGy) y del horneado (160 °C durante 20 min) en los componentes lipídicos del germen de trigo, un subproducto rico en nutrientes de la industria harinera. Ninguno de los tratamientos empleados tuvo un efecto significativo ni en el total de los lípidos recuperados ni en su composición en ácidos grasos. Los ácidos grasos mayoritarios fueron el ácido linoleico, seguido de los ácidos oleico y palmítico. Un aumento del contenido de ácidos grasos libres caracterizó el perfil lipídico de las muestras irradiadas. Las propiedades antiradicalarias de los lípidos de las muestras irradiadas y horneadas fueron estudiadas analizando el blanqueo del radical estable 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazilo. Los lípidos de las muestras irradiadas exhibieron un potencial antiradicalario superior a los lípidos del germen de trigo horneado. Estos resultados sugieren que la ?-irradiación puede ser aplicada a la estabilización del germen de trigo, si bien la irradiación empleada podría estar limitada a 1/4 kGy.

  • English

    In order to utilize wheat germ, a nutrient-dense byproduct of the wheat milling industry, in various food products, different treatments are used to investigate and stabilize its influence on lipid characteristics. However, there are no reports on the effect of ?-irradiation on the lipid profile of wheat germ. In this study, the impact of ?-irradiation (at radiation doses 1/4, 1/2 and 1 kGy) and roasting at (160 °C for 20 min) on the lipid constituents of wheat germ was examined. Both thermal and irradiation treatments did not have a significant effect on the total lipid recovery or the fatty acid composition of wheat germ lipids. The fatty acid profile was found to be made up of linoleic followed by oleic and palmitic as the major fatty acids. An increase in the content of free fatty acids characterized the lipid profile of the irradiated wheat germ samples. Antiradical properties of lipids from roasted and irradiated samples were analyzed using the bleaching of the stable 1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH). Lipids from irradiated samples exhibited relatively stronger radical scavenging potential than lipids from roasted wheat germ. It has been concluded that ?- irradiation could be applied for wheat germ preservation, where it might be limited to a dose of 1/4 kGy in the processing.

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