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Ceci est mon testament: Marc-Antoine Laugier

  • Autores: Fabio Restrepo Hernández
  • Directores de la Tesis: Helio Piñón Pallarés (dir. tes.), Juan José Lahuerta Alsina (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) ( España ) en 2011
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Carles Llop Torné (presid.), Antonio Armesto Aira (secret.), Ángel González García (voc.), Juan Antonio Calatrava Escobar (voc.), Joseph Rykwert (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: TDX
  • Resumen
    • The demolition the monolithic interpretation the engraving, which accompanies as Irontispiece Marc-Antoine Laugier's Essai sur l'Architecture, object the present work, aims to liberate the question about the origin architecture Irom the vicious circle created between the image the primitive hut and the myth the noble savage hidden within il. The engraving is without a doubt, the most prestigious image architectural history. Nevertheless, the study historical conditions lor its production, relutes the signilicance usually attributed to it: The image is not about the origins architecture, does not represent a primitive hut and its author is not Marc-Antoine Laugier. The image belongs to the ligurative repertoire draughtsman and engraver Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen and is not about a realistic representation a construction, but an allegory composed out the basic elements the religious theme Annunciation, pointing out to the importance the natural image lor a temple, whose lundamental composition is derived out the column as a metaphor lor Christ's body. This investigation's contribution lies in the exclusive study the accompanying Irontispiece to Laugier's work. The lirst edition the Essai sur l'Architecture 1753 did not include the image, which appeared only until the edition 1755. A comparative study between the two editions, the reconstruction the engraving's historical circumstances and the delinition the role each the actors who played a part in the making the books and the creation the image, makes way lor proposing a new interpretation such. Giving primacy to the physical medium the content a written document, vindicates the value a book not just lor what is said in it, but as a lormal element valuable in pointing out the historical processes lor its production, edition, commercialisation and diffusion, as well as clues about its possible readers and circulation in cultural mediums, all lorming essential inlormation lor developing the image's interpretation. Aiming the research thus, also made possible the linding unedited inlormation about Laugier, such as his will. On the other hand, the study the Inventory after decease bookseller Nicolas-Bonaventure Duchesne, served as the basis lor discarding the hypothesis the printing a second edition as a result the lirst edition's success and even points out the the commercial and editorial lailure the second edition, which contains the engraving. The precise identilication all the authors taking part in the conception and making the image, led to linding the original drawing by Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen. The comparison between the original drawing and the engraving signals key difieren ces which open up the horizon lor the interpretation new meanings.

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