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La tensión vivida en el Congreso de los Diputados durante el gobierno del Frente Popular

  • Autores: Francisco Rodríguez Sánchez
  • Directores de la Tesis: Francisco J. Paredes Alonso (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad de Alcalá ( España ) en 2010
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Juan Manuel Matés Barco (presid.), Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal (secret.), María Saavedra Inaraja (voc.), José Luis Orella Martínez (voc.), Alejandro Díez Torre (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: e_Buah
  • Resumen
    • español

      El interés e importancia de esta tesis doctoral, reside en demostrar la beligerancia existente entre los miembros del Congreso de los Diputados y su reflejo en los disturbios que se produjeron, en el espacio público español, durante el periodo delimitado por las fechas de febrero-julio de 1936. Esta investigación, supone un avance en los estudios históricos al reflejar de forma clara los temas principales, objeto de debates decisivos en las sesiones del Congreso, y su posterior reflejo en los espacios públicos. Las conclusiones demuestran tres ideas que se contraponen con lo que se ha defendido desde otros sectores historiográficos y políticos. Primeramente, se confirman las evidentes lagunas democráticas existentes en la cultura política de las élites parlamentarias en España, durante el periodo de febrero-julio de 1936. La obsesión antifascista, de numerosos parlamentarios, aumentó el miedo a este movimiento político en la calle, sobredimensionándolo, pese a ser casi inexistente durante este periodo analizado. Queda demostrada la férrea defensa que se hacía de la dictadura del proletariado, que realizaron numerosos y destacados parlamentarios de la izquierda, y que influyó en el aumento de la tensión política en el espacio público. El Congreso de los Diputados, durante el gobierno del Frente Popular, se convirtió en el escenario donde los diferentes partidos políticos mostraron su más clara disposición ideológica. La sinrazón, las amenazas al atentado personal y los insultos se convirtieron en una tónica tan presente que fueron un aliciente para que en las calles se manifestara la radicalidad de muchos grupos políticos.

    • English

      The objective of this doctoral thesis is to show the conflict and the political-social tension that it existed in the different sessions of the Congress of the Deputies during the government of the Popular Front. It is about a topic that we have considered very important since it demonstrates how the existent climate in the Chamber and the confrontation among some of its members rebounded in the life of many Spaniards and, of course, in the street. This investigation provides information about the life that was developed in the Chamber, where the education, the values and the reason were absent of many of the Deputed gentlemen who took part in the Chamber. The antecedents of this period we find them at the beginning of this work where it is described in a general way the first governments of the II Republic. To reach our objectives, the developed methodology has been complete and rigorous. Therefore we have worked with a critical bibliography which backs up our interpretation and working method. It has been revised from the first reflections on this historical period as well as the different contemporary works, and the most modern critics published in magazines, and more recent works.

      This methodology that we have used is not centered exclusively in a sociopolitical particular trend, but rather it investigates different ways of thinking and mainly in the memories written by its main characters, hoping this would led us to an enrichment of the exposed work. We have worked with critical different theories in our investigation, hoping the best ways to analyze this historical period consists on observing the evolution of the critical different models given. This methodology, just reflect the characteristics of the first governments of the Republic, reflects the features of the Constitution and shows the thought of the different political parties. Using this way of working, we think that an enrichment of the work has taken place and that we deem enough to end up exposing our objective with rigorous and exhaustive character. The development of our objectives and the application of this methodology, it has taken us to elaborate several conclusions that we consider of great importance. These are centered mainly, in demonstrating, through the Newspaper of Sessions of the Congress of the Deputies and together with the sources and used bibliography, in showing how the tension that took place in the Chamber had as consequence a bigger violence in the streets. The wrong, the confrontation and the threats to the personal attack that took place among the Deputed gentlemen were an incentive so that in the streets the political different options face causing a high death toll, wounded, destructions of churches, of local headquarters of the parties, etc. This situation showed the scarce appearance of the democratic values. The idea of a democratic Republic, was leaving space to a defense of the dictatorship of the proletariat that was defended by those that supported the government and that also, they were with their partisan politics developing a nonexistent fascism in a principle. Little one could do for a Republic when one of their representing maxima as era Sr. Azaña said in April 16th: "Not you did want violence, didn't they bother you the social institutions of the Republic? Because you take violence. Athenaeums to the consequences." But The President, in his speeches was shown belligerent to a part of the Deputies, a great part of the Spaniards that they still stayed inside the legality but that they criticized the lack of authority of the Government. Julián Zugazagoitia, referencing to the Congress of the Deputies recognized: "……the speech that Gil Robles has pronounced is of an immense graveness; when behind my bank he heard horselaughs and stupid interruptions, he could not avoid being shamed…., a thing is clear: we will deserve, for stupid, the catastrophe." Sadly only with listening the manifestations, observe the persecution spirit and aggression that it took place in some banks, the genesis of the violences was perceived that were developing in the domestic rest. These sad events, even took to the murder of one of people that more fought to avoid this wrong, situation, José Calvo Sotelo. Who defended in their speeches the freedom, the democracy, etc., were those people who served themselves to impose their ideas and, in many cases, using the force.

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