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Resumen de Morfologia y microclima urbano análisis de la forma espacial y materiales como modeladores del microclima de tejidos urbanos mediterraneos costeros: el caso de la ciudad de Valparaiso

Claudio Carrasco Aldunate

  • The city morphology is the greater evidence of human habitation and intervention on the natural landscape aimed both at individual protection and community living. It is an intervention that modifies not only the landscape but also one that determines the new created environment and climate. Throughout history we have seen that from their formation these settlements have sought to give shape to a dwelling place which should protect its dwellers from the hazards and dangers of nature, those of climate included. To this end they give shape to the built spaces using various natural elements and displaying the built space in such a way so as to create a micro-climate adjustable to their needs. Layouts which are recorded in the foundation projects for new cities are testimonies of this search. Nowadays, above the climate comfort need in urban spaces are economic, esthetic and plastic valuations without considerering that the space shape of the street is a determinant element of quality and city habitation. In this respect, this research analyzes the relationship between urban morphology (as a street design element) and the micro-climate of the urban space so as to propose design suggestions for the city aiming at better climate quality and energetic efficiency on the city in a coastal Mediterranean climate. Our dissertation report offers a quantitative and qualitative assessment model to improve decision making concerning location and space design of new sites of these Mediterranean traits, identifying design tools to enhance the evaluation of the relationship between these spatial elements. As a matter of fact, the assessment of this relationship in the study cases of our research has revealed factors of the space morphology and topography which appear to have a significant influence on the urban climate and city micro-climates. Finally, it is believed that this research contributes to the best understanding of how shapes and materials of the urban space take part in the determination of existing coastal Mediterranean micro–climate urban nets.

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